Oakleigh and Caulfield Times Mulgrave and Ferntree Gully Guardian: 25 May 1918
Following the recent conference between the Council and representatives of the Riding to arrange a scheme of planting an avenue of honor in memory of those who have enlisted for active service, a committee meeting of representatives of the South Riding was held on Saturday afternoon, 4th inst, those present being Crs. Armstrong, Dixon, Scott, Mrs. Whitbourn, Messrs Earle and Hourigan. The following decisions were arrived at, subject to agreement by the council:
That the trees be planted up and down Clayton Road on either side of the railway line, south as far as Centre Road and north as far as the boundary of Mr. Newport's paddocks
That Portugal oaks be planted, one chain apart
That the name plates should show the rank of the soldier, unit, etc.
That the Clayton and Clarinda Trench Comforts Fund should undertake to organise the ceremony on a date to be fixed by the Council, if they so desire, it being understood that the council provide the tree and tree-guards, the committee undertaking to get a band of helpers to do the digging.
At the meeting of the council on the 16th inst, Mrs. Whitbourn attended as a representative of the committee, and the above recommendations were adopted. It was further resolved that the council call for tenders for supply of trees and tree-guards, 70 being required ; that Mr. Earle and the secretary arrange re obtaining name-plates ; and that date of planting be arranged; and that trees could be planted beyond the shire boundaries by the committee, council providing trees and guards.
The meeting then adjourned to 23rd inst to consider and order on tenders.
Oakleigh and Caulfield Times Mulgrave and Ferntree Gully Guardian: 1 Jun 1918
Mrs. Whitbourn, Miss McBean, Messrs. Earle and Hourigan attended. The tender of C. E. Parker for 70 tree-guards, jarrah posts and hardwood pickets was accepted at £21/19/-. The secretary said he had advertised in the city and local papers for the supply of Portugal oak trees, and the only reply received was from Mr. Nobelius, Gembrook, who had no Portugal oaks. He had also written to the State Nursery and the curator of the Camberwell gardens, the latter recommending Turkish oak trees. Mr. Groves, M.L.A., informed him that he could obtain trees from the State Nursery free.
Mrs. Whitbourn: “They are very small and not uniform.”
Resolved, on the motion of Cr. Jordan, seconded by Cr. Forster, that the purchase of suitable trees be left in the hands of the members for the riding and Clayton and Clarinda Trench Comforts Fund Committee.
The fixing of the date of the opening and dedication of the avenue to the memory of the men who had enlisted from the district, with details regarding planting were referred to members for the riding and committee to carry fit.
Oakleigh and Caulfield Times Mulgrave and Ferntree Gully Guardian: 15 Jun 1918
Tree planting article snippet from newspaper. Transcribed below.

Trench Comforts Fund. The Trees supplied by the Mulgrave Shire Council will be planted by relatives on SATURDAY, 15th JUNE, at 2 p-m., beginning at Clayton Hall.
Speakers-Captain Bruce, M.C., and M. H.R and Frank Groves, Esq... M.L.A.
Oakleigh Band and Buglers, Songs by School Children. At 8pm, Social Evening in support of Trench Comforts Fund. Songs and Recitations. Music by Mrs. Whitbourn and Miss. Mullen.
Oakleigh and Caulfield Times Mulgrave and Ferntree Gully Guardian: 15 Jun 1918
To be planted this Afternoon Saturday, 15th June, will be a red letter day at Clayton—planting an avenue of honor in memory of the brave lads who enlisted from the district. Proceedings begin at 2pm with music and song. Tree planting will follow until 3 o'clock, when Capt. Bruce, M.C., M.H.R., and Mr. Frank Groves, M.L.A. will speak from a platform outside the Clayton Hall. Later the committee will entertain the guests to afternoon tea, not forgetting the school children, concluding at 5 o'clock. A specially enjoyable social, arranged by the Clayton and Clarinda Trench Comforts Branch, will be held in the evening and it is hoped and expected that the attendance will beat all records. Mrs. Whitbourn will be very grateful for donations of any kind towards two kiosks to be furnished and goods sold to provide trench comforts for our boys. In sending out invitations it is probable that, owing to the large district, some omissions may occur. The Committee trust that any residents in the South Riding who are interested will understand that they will be equally welcome. The Oakleigh Brass Band have generously given their services for the afternoon, and the school children will sing patriotic songs up and down the route. We have received a letter from Mr. P. J. Creswick, complaining that he has not received any invitation to the above function, although his brother had made the supreme sacrifice, and states that his case is not an isolated one, one parent who was against his son going to the war having received an invitation. — [This letter, from which we make the foregoing brief extracts, has been held back owing to pressure on our advertising columns, and because (while desiring to be fair to both parties) we did not wish to mar the good feeling that should exist on the occasion. A general invitation has been given to all to attend - ED. O.T.]
Oakleigh and Caulfield Times Mulgrave and Ferntree Gully Guardian: 15 Jun 1918
There was a large and representative gathering at Clayton on Saturday last, when 75 trees given by the Mulgrave Shire Council were planted under the auspices of the Clayton and Clarinda Trench Comforts Fund. A lorry outside the Public Hall, lent by Mr. W. Scott, was used as a platform, from which Cr. Coleman (President of the Shire) opened proceedings. The National Anthem and "God Bless Our Splendid Men" were heartily sung, after which the President remarked on the important occasion that had drawn them together, and said that Clayton originated the scheme which the Council had adopted for the whole shire.
The children attending Clayton State School, numbering about 150, under Mr. H. B. Williamson, head teacher, sang "Rule Britannia." Tree-planting, as far as possible by relations of the soldiers, was then proceeded with under superintendents appointed to sections and accomplished without a hitch. Clayton Road was planted on both sides, north of the railway line to the Convalescent Home, and south to the Centre Road, a few trees being also planted in Carinish road. Meanwhile the school children, each carrying a miniature flag, led by Cadet Howard Earle (who bore aloft a large Australian flag), marched up and down the route singing patriotic songs.
Tree planting ceremony group: Image Courtesy of Monash Public Library Service Local History collection
The tree-planting being completed to scheduled time, the President again mounted the platform and introduced Capt. S. M. Bruce, M.C., M.H.R., recently elected member for Flinders, who had seen two and a half years service, and won distinction on the field. Capt. Bruce, who was accorded a hearty reception, said this was the first time he had come to Clayton. During the election campaign it was arranged that he should visit the district, but owing to the large electorate it was afterwards found to be impracticable, and its loyalty to the Nationalist cause was proved in the success gained. Amongst the agencies at work to help the soldiers fighting for the freedom of the world the Red Cross was doing a great work in helping the men who were shattered and maimed; but one that claimed to be of equal importance was the Trench Comforts Fund, under whose auspices they had met. The man in the trenches was in a far worse condition than he who, wounded on the field, was glad to get sent to "Blighty" (as they called" England). The speaker paid a tribute of praise to the French nation and its intense loyalty; it had, by holding the Germans until the British were ready to take the field, saved the whole Empire. It was only by the self-same spirit of sacrifice and devotion that Australia could become a strong and virile nation. As regards the tree-planting, he regarded it as a most appropriate memorial to the men who had enlisted and been accepted for service. Some of them would never come back; they had died happy and contented, for there is no satisfaction like duty nobly done. The planting of the trees would be a lasting inspiration to the children, and their children's children, for it was translating into action something akin to the poetic imagination of the French; they were following in the footsteps of the nation with the greatest instinct of patriotism, and were erecting "symbols of sacrifice." Their names will live forever in the annals of the British race, and in our hearts as those who suffered all things and endured all things that Australia, the Empire, and civilisation might enjoy the blessings of freedom. (Applause).
The school children sang "For England," written by Corporal Burns. Mr. F. Groves, M.L.A., who was also well received, said he was very pleased to accede to the invitation to be present at this important function. He endorsed every word Capt. Bruce had uttered as to the suitability of the memorial to the men who had gone forth to fight for Australia and the Empire. Their deeds at (Gallipoli and in France) will live forever. It devolves on all to see that their welfare is made the first consideration, for we owe them a debt of gratitude for our safety, and should honour our obligations to those still fighting and those who have returned. There are some in our communities who do not do so. "There should be equality in the methods of raising patriotic funds, and the (Government should say to those who do not take their part in supporting the Comforts and other funds, "We will tax you and make you pay." He thanked them for placing him in the position he now occupied, and would do all he could to forward their interests. (Applause.)
A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the speakers, on the motion of Cr. Scott, seconded by Cr. Jordan. The children sang "Keep the Home fires burning,” after which between 250 and 300 accepted the invitation to afternoon tea. Mr. E. J. Hourigan, on behalf of the committee of the Trench Comforts Fund, expressed thanks to the Mulgrave Council for supplying trees and guards stating that there was keen satisfaction in the way the council had recognised its efforts. The motion was carried with acclamation, and President Coleman, in responding, said the idea of planting the avenue of honour had originated at Clayton, which had done so much in sending men to the war and helping them in comfort --work unselfishly and constantly carried on by the women of the district. The trees planted were Portugal oaks, which, he understood, were very free growing, but he trusted that are they had developed - much their boys would return. (Applause.)
In the evening the Public Hall was filled, and a most enjoyable social held, excellent music being supplied by Mrs. Whitbourn (piano) and Miss Mullin (violin). The executive committee of the Clayton and Clarinda Trench Comforts Fund, which arranged and carried out the function, consists of: Chairman, Cr. Scott; secretary, Mr. F. Earle; committee, Mrs. Whitbourn (President of the Trench Comforts Branch), Miss Berta McBean (Clarinda), Mr. E. J. Hourigan, Crs. Dixon and Armstrong.
The Oakleigh Brass Band, under Bandmaster Baker, freely attended and rendered a good programme of patriotic items. In the course of the evening Mr Steve Castle, representing Clarinda and also speaking on behalf of the president, Mrs. Whitbourn, as representative for Clayton, moved a very hearty vote of thanks and congratulation to Mr. Earle, who had acted as secretary to the committee and was responsible for all the arrangements made. This was received with the greatest possible approbation, everyone in the hall joining in three hearty cheers.
The following results of the raffles held in the hall will be of interest :- Aquamarine pendant,(donated by Miss L. Whitbourn),won by Mrs. Fox; table cover (Mrs. Earle), Mrs D. Scott; pair of kew pies (Mrs. Stocks), Mrs Crawford; box of chocolates (Miss Alma Whitbourn), Mrs. Coleman; cream cake (Miss Furphy), Mrs. D. Scott; fancy iced cake (Mrs. Brown), Mrs. Hourigan; water color painting (Miss Young), Mr. Rice, and returned to be sold again for the benefit of the Trench Comforts Fund. The receipts from the two kiosks, raffles and social resulted in a substantial sum for the Comforts Fund. Good pictures of the tree planting appear in the current number of the '"Weekly Times." Separate prints can be obtained and proofs seen on application to Mr. F. Earle, Hon secretary.
WW1 Montage: Image Courtesy of the State Library of Victoria
Dandenong Advertiser and Cranbourne, Berwick and Oakleigh Advocate: 27 Jun 1918
The scheme put forwarded by the Clayton and Clarinda Trench Comforts Branch, and adopted by the Mulgrave Shire Council reached its first stage of realization when some 75 trees were planted up and down the Clayton Road from the station gates, and along Carinish Road, each tree being allotted to a soldier who has enlisted from the South Riding of the Shire.
Tree planting in Clayton. Image copyright State Library of Victoria.
The trees selected were Portugal Oaks, which were strongly recommended by Mr. Cronin, Curator of the Melbourne Botanical Gardens. These trees reach their full height (15 to 18 feet) in ten years, and do not begin to spread until they are at the top of their strength. While they are deciduous they are never quite bare of leaves at any time of the year. They are not attacked by borers or other insects, and their roots strike down, and so do not interfere with the footpath or road. They are said to have a long life, and appear to be in every way suitable for street planting. A great gathering of friends and relatives, as well as visitors, from the surrounding districts came together on Saturday afternoon 15th, meeting at the Public Hall, where proceedings were opened by Cr. Coleman, President of the Shire, the Oakleigh Brass Band, who had kindly given their services, playing the National Anthem and various selections during the rest of the afternoon. The tree planting began at 2.15pm, and the holes having been already prepared, and the tree guards being in position, the various over seers of each section had no difficulty in assisting the relatives of the soldier concerned to plant the trees in the best possible way. So well did the arrangements work, that the whole of the 75 trees were planted in of an hour, so that everyone was ready to listen to Capt. Bruce, M.C., M.H.R., who had come down specially to speak on the occasion. He was accompanied by Mr. Frank Groves, M.L.A., who was equally interested. Capt. Bruce delivered a particularly bright, helpful, and cheery speech, in which he gave several of his, own experiences at the front, particularly stressing the enormous advantage to the men of the benefit conferred through the Trench Comforts Fund, as well as the Red Cross. He also particularly mentioned his pleasure in seeing the school children associated with such an event, as in his opinion the one way of maintaining a successful and united Empire was to let the children understand their responsibilities and the reason for such happenings, as early as possible.
After the children had sung some patriotic songs, Mr. F. Groves followed and made a rousing speech on the responsibilities of everyone in regard to the man at the front. He made a special appeal to any of those present who had not already or associated themselves with special work not to hesitate any longer, but to take off their coats and get into it. He agreed cordially with Capt. Bruce that tree planting schemes should be adopted in every possible neighborhood as the most suitable way of expressing appreciation of the action of those men who have voluntarily enlisted to fight for our great safety and profit. Afternoon tea was provided and dispensed by the ladies of the Trench Comforts branch, under the presidency of Mrs Whitbourn, and it is a tribute to their organisation and the number of willing helpers that some 387 people passed through the tea rooms where they obtained refreshments without delay.
Families of the soldiers. Image copyright State Library of Victoria.
A most pleasant and memorable afternoon was brought to a conclusion midst much hearty congratulations on all hands, Mr. Hourigan voicing the gratitude and appreciation of the rate payers to shire council for their interest and sympathy in the whole scheme. The President, Cr Coleman, replied, and in a few short sentences emphasized the earnest desire of every councilor to not only adopt the scheme, but to see it put into force in every part of the Mulgrave Shire. Later at 8 o'clock the Trench Comforts branch gave a social evening and dance, and so large was the attendance that dancing became a matter of considerable ingenuity on the part of those concerned. Notwithstanding this everyone present expressed themselves as highly delighted and pleased with their day wearing fresh loyalty to the interests of the Trench Comforts work. In the course of the evening Mr. Steve Castles, representing Clarinda, and also speaking on behalf of the President (Mrs. Whitbourn), as representative for Clayton moved a very hearty vote of thanks and congratulation to Mr. Earle who had acted as secretary to the committee, and was responsible for all the arrangements, which had been many. This was received with the greatest possible approbation, everyone in the hall joining in three hearty cheers.
Reporter (Box Hill): 28 Jun 1918
From F. Earle, thanking council for assistance in planting an honor avenue at Clayton, and asking that more tree guards be supplied. Cr. Armstrong moved that the additional guards be supplied. Seconded by Cr. Dixon, and carried. The President reported that arrangements had been made for holding public meetings in the three ridings in connection with the proposed planting of a large number of trees for honor avenues.
Oakleigh and Caulfield Times Mulgrave and Ferntree Gully Guardian: 13 Jul 1918
The Committee invite suggestions for a suitable name for the Avenue. An entrance fee of.3d must accompany each name sent in. No name necessarily accepted. Winner to be decided by the Committee whose judgment will be final. A good Prize will be given. If the winning name is sent in by more than one Competitor, the winner will be drawn by lot. Closing Date for Competition August 10th at 8 pm. Agents who will receive entrances --Miss .Murphy, store Clayton station; Miss Furphy. store, Dandenong Road, Clayton; Miss Brennan, store, North Road, Clayton; Sec to the Committee, F Earle; K. J. Mc- " Lean, Proprietor, TIMES Office, Oakleigh. The winning name will be announced at the Public Hall on Saturday afternoon, August 17, between 3.30 and 5 pm.
Oakleigh and Caulfield Times Mulgrave and Ferntree Gully Guardian: 17 Aug 1918
This afternoon, at 2.30pm, the name plates will be affixed to the trees planted at Clayton in honor of the soldiers. To be followed by announcement of winner of the name competition. Afternoon tea will be served & a first-class entertainment held; the performers include Mr. Jack Bell, the noted humorous vocalist, Bandmaster Dutton, the celebrated cornetist. Admission, 6d only to defray expenses. In the evening a trench comforts social and dance will be held; special program artists, Mr. Steve Castle, Miss L. Hatherall and the Misses Whitbourn.
Oakleigh and Caulfield Times Mulgrave and Ferntree Gully Guardian: 31 Aug 1918
On Saturday last Clayton was again on fete for the naming of the soldiers trees. The sun shone out brilliantly, and fathers and mothers, sweethearts and wives foregathered at the Public Hall in goodly numbers. Cr. Coleman, who was making his last appearance as President of the Shire, opened the proceedings in a few words, the public joining very heartily in the 'singing of the ' National Anthem, and immediately dispersing to the spots where each particular tree awaited its name –plate.
White enameled, with black lettering, they are unpretentious, legible and to the point; giving the soIdiers name, rank and unit. The overseers included Crs. Jordan, Armstrong, F. Audsley and Toucks, with Messrs. Hourigan, Lupton, Kollmorgen and Knights. They did they carry out their duties, that the work was completed in half an hour, when a return was made to the hall, to hear the speeches and enjoy the afternoon tea and entertainment. Cr. Coleman again mounted the platform, and, in spite of a bad influenza cold, spoke for a few minutes of our obligations to the men at the front, to those who were daily returning, and to that great body who had yet to come back. He recognised the difficulties of repatriation yet speaking for himself and for the Mulgrave Shire Council, they had individually and collectively made up their minds that nothing should be king on their part to give every in one in the shire not only a fair deal, the most generous treatment it . in their power to give.
The President then referred to the “name" competition, and explained Council's anxiety to name the avenue according to the wishes of people. A committee was appointed. Suggestions were invited from the public, and in response 82 selections were sent in. These were carefully considered, and resulted in "Remembrance Avenue" winning the prize. The name strikes us as a very happy thought on the part of the two young ladies concerned. The committee had decided to give one prize only, but, in the circumstances, subscribed for a second, both taking the form of plain solid gold bar brooches, with the word "Remembrance" engraved. Cr. Coleman presented these, with his congratulations, the winners being Miss Eileen Collier, the little one year-old daughter of a returned wounded soldier, and Miss Alma Whitbourn, whom everyone knows if only as her mother's youngest daughter, but by no means the least popular. Cr. Forster gave us some sparkling sentences of appreciation of our soldier boys, in a refreshingly vigorous and sincere speech, adding a word of thanks to the committee for their work, and congratulations on their success, which Cr. Cotter supported in a few well-chosen sentences.
The Hall being very full, seating accommodation at a premium, and the atmosphere correspondingly close, tea came most opportunely, and was welcomed by all. The entertainers rather pluckily carried through their several parts, notwithstanding the counter-attraction of eating and drinking, but their understanding of the situation was well repaid by the applause accorded to their respective items.
Miss Hatherall has a very sweet voice, and sang "Wake Up, Australia!" most sympathetically. Miss. Whitbourn's pure soprano was refreshing to listen to. Her highest notes come without any apparent exert, and with more experience she should go far. Sergt. Underwood gave an object-lesson in facial expression in his song. Our old friend, Mr. Steve Castles, was in grand voice, and was heard to considerable advantage in his duet with Miss Willa Whitbourne, "Garden of my Heart," who also pleased her audience exceedingly.
A great musical treat was afforded by Bandmaster Dutton. One frequently rather fears the shrill notes of a cornet, but in his case ere were none. The several pieces he played truly excelled one another, the last one ("A Perfect Day") bringing to end all too quickly a keenly appreciated turn. Mr. Jack Bell, however, coming next, quickly took position of his audience, and was free to go after giving four numbers. His stories were short and exquisitely funny, and his songs catchy and humorous in the best sense. It is only a first class artist that can afford to sing serious song after three humorous ones, and yet secure an even greater amount of applause, but Mr. Bell's song "When the Boys Come home," accomplished this, and will not easily he forgotten. The entertainment was really splendid and reached a high level, Cr. Coleman remarked in proposing a vote of thanks to the artists in their turn, and were grateful to Mrs. Whithourn and Mrs. Castles who were their audience), for their sympathetic accompaniments, without which no singer can do a song justice. Later in the evening--at 8 o'clock -a resumption was made, and dancing and music held the floor til 11.30pm. The Trench Comforts Fund's supporters came in steady flow; indeed, dancing became almost an athletic feat. Nevertheless, the laughter and enjoyment on every hand was very evident, and the result, which all had come to promote, was an addition of some 614 to the funds, which means that some of the boys at the front of Saturday last at Clayton.

Remaining trees in Carinish Road today. No trees exist now in Clayton Road.
Monash Leader: 29 August 2016
WAR veterans will have a new Avenue of Honour built in Clayton under sky rail. The Carinish Road memorial site was home to 100 English Oak trees in 1918 but just nine remain standing.
The nine unhealthy trees will be cut down to make way for sky rail at Clayton Rd, and their seeds used to replant a new row of trees to honour those who served in World War I.
The cenotaph and memorial plaques honouring World War I will also be relocated in nearby open space to be created as part of the Clayton Rd level road crossing.
Clayton RSL sub-branch secretary John Saunders said the club had been working with the authority to create an improved memorial.
“The Clayton RSL committee look forward to the opportunity to work with the project team to develop a new commemorative and reflective area where those that have helped protect Australia and its way of life can be remembered and honoured,” he said.
Professor Tim Entwisle who is leading the expert panel on open space, will work with the sub-branch to ensure the memorial’s design will accommodate their large community events.
Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan said it was important to ensure future generations could still pay their respects.
“We know how important the Avenue of Honour is to this community — which is why we’ll build a better memorial and revitalise it with healthy new trees,” she said.
“Fittingly, the then Curator of the Melbourne Botanic Gardens, John Cronin chose the original oak trees so it’s wonderful Clayton RSL sub-branch will now work with Professor Tim Entwisle to establish this new memorial.”
Monash Leader: 18 September 2018
A monument honouring soldiers who served in armed conflict has spent its last night outside the Clayton Hall before being moved to a dedicated memorial space being created under the new elevated rail.
Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan met with members of the Clayton RSL Sub-branch who have made a significant contribution to the area’s design.
The monument commemorates those who have served in various conflicts during the 20th century and stood in its former location for nearly 20 years. It will soon form the centerpiece of a new RSL commemorative space, part of the 22.5ha of new open space being created as part of the Caulfield to Dandenong level crossing removal project.
The new memorial space, located opposite the RSL sub-branch, provides a larger space for memorial days such as Remembrance Day and Anzac Day. It will feature a wheelchair-friendly bluestone path and ample grassed and paved areas to accommodate large gatherings and temporary seating. Bluestone will also be used for a low stone wall which will border the space and house 74 plaques honouring local Clayton soldiers who served during World War I.
The plaques will recreate those placed at the base of more than 100 oaks which formed the original 1918 Avenue of Honour, almost all lost during the 1940s to make way for an expanding Clayton Road shopping strip.
Now, 100 years later, seedlings grown from those original oaks are thriving and will soon be planted back into the new open space.
Sub-branch members including secretary John Saunders and general manager Gary Molloy have been actively involved in the space’s development.