Melbourne East Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy

The Melbourne East Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy has been developed to support and guide councils and stakeholders in the Eastern Metropolitan Region in the planning and delivery of regional-level sport and recreation facilities and shared recreation trails. Regional level sport and recreation facilities play an important role in contributing to the health and wellbeing of communities, as they generally serve a broad catchment and cater for a diverse range of activities.

The purpose of the Strategy is to undertake a regional planning approach that supports the development of current and new sport and recreation infrastructure for the Melbourne East Region for the next 10 to 20 years.

Melbourne East Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy 2022-2032(PDF, 2MB)

Council endorsed the Strategy at its 13 December 2022 meeting:

Report to Council 13 December 2022 meeting(PDF, 3MB)

Council Meeting Decisions (item 2.1)(PDF, 254KB)

Watch Council meeting video recording (item 2.1)

Also included in the Strategy is a planning framework to support councils and other regional stakeholders to prioritise, plan and deliver regional facilities and shared trails collaboratively and effectively.

Benefits for the Melbourne East councils:

  • Increases participation in sport and recreation activities
  • Provides facilities that can accommodate future demand
  • Provides increased opportunities to bid for and host regional, state and national sporting events resulting in economic benefits to communities
  • Provides access to a wider range of quality facilities
  • Avoids duplication of facility service provision across Council boundaries
  • Ensures sports facilities are financially viable and sustainable