Media Response Cladding Audit Update

Questions and Responses

Since Council joined the Victorian Cladding Taskforce we have assessed 106 buildings, including 40 that fell out of the scope of the taskforce and did not require any action.

The Minister for Planning has now appointed the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) as the Municipal Building Surveyor (MBS) for buildings identified from the taskforce’s audit guidelines as the highest risk.  We have 12 buildings in Monash that fit this criteria and the VBA now takes the lead on these for action on compliance.

Council’s Municipal Building Surveyor (MBS) continues to work through Notices and Orders on a remaining 54 buildings. Of these 54 buildings Council has issued 46 with Building Notices/Orders (as of 6 February 2019).

Issued: 7 February 2019
To: Monash Leader
Quoting: Mayor, Councillor Shane McCluskey