Volunteer of the Year

Mohamed Mohideen

Mohamed Mohideen

Mohamed has over 20 years of volunteer service to the community. He has initiated many programs in the community to support and promote interfaith dialogue and communal harmony.

He was instrumental in establishing a formal mosque at Monash University which today caters for over 1000 students and staff. He brought together Muslims of over 40 different ethnics communities to pray and celebrate the Eid Festivals. 

Mohamed has also served the Sri Lankan Muslim Community and has been their president 5 times over their 25-year history. During his time he promoted various programs integrating the community with the wider community. He also set up the Islamic Association of Monash Mosque and served as its President for 6 years and is currently also working on raising funds to build a proper mosque to service the growing Muslim Community of Monash. 

A founding member of the Monash Interfaith Gathering, Mohamed is the Vice President of the Faith Communities Council of Victoria. He is a strong believer in interfaith dialogue as a way for community cohesion and mutual respect and is a recipient of the Order of Australia, 2015 Monash Multicultural Champion winner and the Victorian State Premier's award for leadership.