Youth Leadership Award

Wesley Chen

Wesley Chen

Wesley is passionate about advocating for youth mental health and has been part of the advocacy campaign to get a headspace service in Monash. As part of the Young People’s Reference Group and a Youth Ambassador Wesley, who is just 13, is an emerging young leader who has taken time to talk to local politicians – and even travelled to Canberra as part of the Headspace for Monash group to talk to an advisor for Federal Minister for Health.

Wes has been actively involved in a number of consultations where he has sought contribution from other young people in the local Monash Community.

He has actively been part of creating public media releases, creating outcomes that better inform and educate young people in Monash.

Wes plays a significant role in representing young people in the Monash community. He ensures that many youth voices are heard and that action is taken. His attitude and commitment to the community are to be commended.

Wes has packed an enormous amount of service to others into his years and we can’t wait to see what he will do in the future.