
Weeds are plants that invade and thrive in environments in which they do not naturally occur. These plants alter the natural balance in the local ecology and threaten biodiversity by competing with indigenous plants that are a valuable food source for native birds and fauna.

Declared noxious, weeds are plants that have been proclaimed under legislation, which requires the landholder to control or eradicate these weeds.

How do weeds spread?

Environmental weeds via seed, fruit or cuttings can be dispersed in many ways:

  • Naturally - including wind, stormwater, birds, ants, animals and humans (with seed attached to faeces, fur, feathers, shoes and clothes)
  • Artificially - such as vehicles, gardening equipment, dumping of garden waste or moving contaminated soil or mulch
  • Garden escapees
  • Vegetative cultivation where weeds have runners, bulbs and tubers

Weed control techniques

  • Prevention (do not reuse or dump garden waste). Garden rubbish should be disposed of in the food and garden waste bin as this waste will be heat-treated and turned to compost.
  • Remove by hand ensuring the whole plant, including roots, is removed.
  • Cut trunk / stem as near to the ground as possible and paint with herbicide immediately on the cut surface.
  • Cut stems on aerial growth to destroy climbing vines.
  • Drill several holes in the trunk and fill with herbicide.
  • Spot spray with herbicide to minimise damage to non-targeted plants.
  • Dig it out ensuring the whole plant, including roots, is removed.
  • Always seek expert advice before using chemical control methods and proceed with caution.

For more information on weed identification, control measures and appropriate herbicides contact:

  • Monash Council's Horticultural Team on 9518 3555.
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Customer Service Centre on 136 186.
  • For advice on suitable replacement plants and species that are indigenous to the City of Monash: Horticultural Team on 9518 3555.

Climbers & Creepers

Name and Details Image

Blackberry -Rubus fructicous
Flowering Time: Early Summer
Seeding Time. Berries late Summer to early Autumn
Control Time. October to April
Control Techniques. Cut stem/aerial, spray, dig out

Blackberry - Rubus fructicous

Wandering Trad -Tradescantia fluminensis
Flowering time. Summer
Vegetative reproduction only
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, spray

Wandering Jew - Tradescantia fluminensis

Bluebell Creeper -Sollya heterophylla
Flowering Time. Spring to Summer
Seeding Time. Autumn to Winter
Control Time. August to February
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, cut stem/aerial, dig out

Bluebell Creeper - Sollya heteophylla

Cleavers -Galium aparine
Flowering Time. Late Winter to Spring
Seeding Time. Summer
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, spray

Cleavers - Galium aparine

English Ivy -Hedera helix
Flowering Time. Late Autumn Winter
Seeding Time. Berries in Winter to Spring (re-grows from small pieces)
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, cut stem/aerial, spray

English Ivy - Hedera helix

Japanese Honeysuckle -Lonicera japonica
Flowering Time. Spring to Summer
Seeding Time. Berries in late Summer to Autumn (also reproduces vegetatively)
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, cut stem/aerial, spray

Japanese Honeysuckle - Lonicera japonica

Grasses, Bulbs & Groundcover

Name and Details Image

African Lily or Agapanthus -Agapanthus spp.
Flowering Time: Early Summer
Seeding Time. Late summer to Early Autumn
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, dig out

Agapanthus - Agapanthus spp

Black Nightshade -Solanum nigrum
Flowering Time: Spring
Seeding Time. Summer to Autumn
Control Time. July to September
Control Techniques. Remove by hand

Black Nightshade - Solanum nigrum

Angled onion -Allium triquetrum
Flowering Time: Winter to Spring (strong onion smell)
Seeding Time. Late Spring to Summer
Control Time. April to August
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, spray, dig out

Angled onion - Allium triquetrum

Drain Flat Sedge -Cyperus eragrostis
Flowering Time: Spring
Seeding Time. Summer
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, spray

Drain Flat Sedge - Cyperus eragrostis

SoursobOxalis pes-caprae
Flowering Time: Spring (yellow flower)
Seeding Time. Summer
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, spray

Soursob - Oxalis pes-caprae

Large Quaking Grass -Briza maxima
Flowering Time: Winter to Spring
Seeding Time. Spring to early Summer
Control Time. June to September
Control Techniques. Remove by hand

Large Quaking Grass - Briza maxima

Monbretia -Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora
Flowering Time: Spring to Summer
Seeding Time. Autumn (also reproduces by corms)
Control Time. August to September
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, dig out, spray

Monbretia - Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora

Panic Veltd Grass -Ehrharta erecta
Flowering Time: All year
Seeding Time. All year
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, spray

Panic Veldt Grass - Ehrharta erecta

Pampas Grass -Cortaderia selloana
Flowering Time: Summer to Autumn
Seeding Time. Winter to Spring
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Spray, dig out

Pampas Grass - Cortaderia selloana

Sweet Vernal Grass -Anthoxanthum odoratum
Flowering Time: All year
Seeding Time. All year
Control Time. Winter to Spring
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, spray

Sweet Vernal Grass - Anthoxanthum odoratum

Yorkshire Fog -Holcus lanatus
Flowering Time: Spring to Summer
Seeding Time. Summer to Autumn
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, spray

Yorkshire Fog - Holcus lanatus

White Arum Lily -Zantedeschia aethiopica
Flowering Time: Late Winter to early Spring
Seeding Time. Late Spring to early Summer
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, spray

White Arum Lily - Zantedeschia aethiopica

Trees & Shrubs

Name and Details Image

Cape or Montpellier Broom -Genista monspessulana
Flowering Time: Spring
Seeding Time. Pods in Summer
Control Time. June to November
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, cut stem/aerial, spray

Montpellier Broom - Genista monspessulana

Sweet PittosporumPittosporumundulatum
Flowering Time: Early Spring
Seeding Time. Autumn to Winter
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, cut stem/aerial, drill and fill

Sweet Pittosporum - Pittosporumundulatum

Cherry Plum -Prunus cerasifera
Flowering Time: Winter to Spring
Seeding Time. Fruit in Summer
Control Time. September to April
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, cut stem/aerial, drill and fill

Cherry Plum - Prunus cerasifera

Mirror Bush -Coprosma repens
Flowering Time: Late Spring to early Summer
Seeding Time. Late Summer to early Spring
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, cut stem/aerial, drill and fill

Mirror Bush - Coprosma repens

Cotoneaster -Cotoneaster spp
Flowering Time: Spring
Seeding Time. Berries in late Summer to Autumn
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, cut stem/aerial, drill and fill

Cotoneaster - conoeaster spp

Gorse -Ulex europaeus
Flowering Time: Spring to Summer
Seeding Time. Summer
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, cut stem/aerial, spray

Gorse - Ulex europaeus

Willows -Salix spp.
Flowering Time: Spring
Seeding Time. Summer
Control Time. September to April
Control Techniques. Cut stem/aerial, drill and fill

Willows - Salix spp

Privet -Ligustrum lucidum
Flowering Time: Spring to Summer
Seeding Time. Berries in Winter
Control Time. All year
Control Techniques. Remove by hand, cut stem/aerial, drill and fill

Privet - Ligustrum lucidum

Other Weeds of Concern

Trees & Shrubs

  • Desert Ash (Fraxinus angustifolia)
  • Sweet Hakea (Hakea suaveolens or drupacea)
  • Giant or Bracelet Honey Myrtle (Melaleuca armillaris)
  • Radiata or Montrey Pine (Pinus radiata)
  • Madiera Winter-Cherry (Solanum pseudocapsicum)
  • English Broom (Cytisus scoparius)
  • Cape Wattle (Paraserianthes lophantha)
  • Cootamundra Wattle (Acacia baileyana)
  • Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)
  • Sallow Wattle (Acacia longiflolia)
  • Willow Hakea (Hakea salicifolia)

Climbers and Creepers

  • Cape Ivy (Delairea odorata)
  • Morning Glory (Ipomoea indica)
  • Bridal Creeper (Myrsiphyllum asparagoides)
  • Banana Passionfruit (Passiflora mollissima)

Grasses, Bulbs and Groundcovers

  • Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
  • Common Onion Grass (Romulea rosea australis)
  • Bulbil Watsonia (Watsonia meriana 'bulbillifera')
  • Spear Thistle (Cirsium vulgare)
  • Couch (Cynodon dactylon)
  • Brown top Bent (Agrostis capillaris)
  • Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens)