Operative Pard

Category A: Highly Commended (2023) Monash Short Story Writing Competition
Author: Shirley Yang

Pard was an operative, he went out to carry out his mission as usual this night.

He skilfully eluded all surveillance measures in secrecy, his movement precise and calculated. As a seasoned operative, he had honed his skills in evading detection, blending into the shadows with ease. Tonight, his mission was to extract a vital piece of information from a heavily fortified corporate building. 

Climbing the stairs, he navigated through the labyrinthine corridors, avoiding security cameras and motion sensors. His heart raced with adrenaline; his mind focused on the task at hand. Reaching the rooftop, he surveyed the sprawling cityscape beneath him, a reminder of the stakes involved. 

Just as he prepared to make his daring leap to the adjacent building, a robotic arm swiftly extended from the darkness, wrapping around his body, securely against the mechanical grip, his mind racing to comprehend what was happening. 

“Endangering species must have a sense of self – protection, sir”, a synthesized voice echoed from a hidden speaker. The unexpected intervention puzzle him. He had prepared for human adversaries, not robotic sentinels. 

A concealed door opened in the rooftop, revealing a high-tech chamber within. As the robotic arm guided him inside, he found himself surrounded by cutting-edge technology and intricate machinery. The room’s purpose became clear – it was a covert facility, dedicated to the preservation and safeguarding of endangered species. 

Before him stood a holographic projection of a bespectacled scientist. The projection introduced itself as Dr. Ava Nguyen, the mastermind behind the operation. She explained that the robotic arm was a not a means of capturing him, but rather as automated defence mechanism meant to protect the valuable lives sheltered within. 

Dr. Nguyen divulged her mission to protect endangered spices and combat the illegal wildlife trade. Her intention to intercept him, was recognizing his as a potential ally rather than a threat.

The operation, she explained, required utmost secrecy, as there were powerful forces at play seeking to exploit the precious species under her care. 

With their shared commitment to justice, Pard and Dr. Nguyen formed an unlikely alliance. He was entrusted with a new mission: to use his skills to expose the criminal networks responsible for endangering these species. 

And so, Pard became a guardian, fighting not only for his own survival but also for the protection of those who couldn’t defend themselves. Together, they embarked on a journey to bring justice to the world, skilfully evading surveillance measure, but this time, with a higher purpose in mind – to safeguard the endangered spices and ensure a brighter future for the fragile creatures that inhabited our planet.