The Tram Serenade

Category B: Highly Commended (2023) Monash Short Story Writing Competition
Author: Arti Tandon

I step into the familiar territory of the tram, greeted by the equal scent of disinfectant and the rhythmic sound of rolling numbers on the ticket barrel. I take my place as the conductor, ready to collect fares from my morning tram passengers.

Among the regular passengers are two individuals who have captured my attention—the grizzled orange-haired girl and the tattooed man with a guitar case. Every day, they board the tram separately, but it doesn't take long for them to find each other.

The girl, with her intriguing mix of mints and cigarettes, always has the perfect change in hand. The tattooed man, on the other hand, stands out with his rough appearance, adorned with piercings and tattoos along the side of his neck. The man takes a seat first, and when the girl boards, she deliberately chooses a spot where she can keep an eye on him. They seem to be in a dance of anticipation and hesitation, drawn to each other like magnets.

I've observed them closely, and it's evident that the girl has an effect on the man. Sometimes, he appears flustered, while she smiles in an oddly apologetic manner. It's as if they are trying to decipher the unspoken language of their hearts.

I wonder if the man ever finds himself lost in thoughts of her while strumming his guitar or if she occupies his mind even amidst the most mundane tasks. Does he imagine her besides him, her head resting on his shoulder, as he fills his morning flask?

There are days when they don't seem to get along, perhaps because of work commitments or personal issues. But even on those days, the unspoken bond between them remains. One morning on the tram in particular is accompanied by a gentle snowfall, the pristine whiteness covering the city. Among the few passengers, the girl and the tattooed man are both present. As I approach to collect fares, the girl smiles mischievously and leans in, asking why I never talk about him.

I blush and stutter, unsure of what she means. Before I can respond, she changes the subject, leaving me flustered and with a myriad of unanswered questions.

The next day, they are both on the tram again, and their connection is more apparent than ever. The girl's ticket tears slightly, and the man laughs. I find myself eagerly looking forwards to the next morning, excited to witness more of their intriguing story.

Their tale of hidden emotions and unspoken desires resonates deeply with me. We may have different backgrounds and appearances, but the thrill and trepidation of falling for someone are indescribable.

As I continue my role as the silent observer of their morning tram romance, I wonder if they will ever find the courage to break the barrier and acknowledge the feelings that seem to linger just beneath the surface. Until then, I will be there, ready to collect their fares and witness the unspoken magic unfold each morning on the tram.

Days turn into weeks, and the enigmatic connection between the grizzled-haired girl and the tattooed man only deepens. There's an unspoken understanding between them, a language that no one else can decipher. On one particularly rainy morning, the tram was unusually crowded. The girl boards, her hair damp from the downpour, and searches for an empty seat. To her dismay, every seat is occupied, and she stands near the door, her eyes locked on the tattooed man. Seeing her struggle, the man, without hesitation, offers her his seat. The tram seems to transform into a cocoon of their emotions, shielding them from the outside world.

Another morning, as I collect fares, the tattooed man fumbles with his change. His nervousness is apparent, and he glances at the girl, who reassures him with a gentle touch of her hand. It's a simple gesture, but it speaks volumes about their growing connection. As the tram rumbles along its daily route, their story begins to unfold before my eyes. It's as if they have created their little universe within the confines of the tram, a place where their hearts can freely express what their lips dare not say.

I often wonder if they realise the impact they've had on each other's lives. The girl seems to have inspired the man, kindling a newfound confidence in him. There are days when they seem distant, lost in their thoughts, and I can't help but worry that they might let fear and doubt hinder what could be a beautiful love story.

On a fateful morning, the tram faces an unexpected delay due to technical issues. The passengers grumble, but the girl and the tattooed man take it in stride. Instead of showing frustration, they seize the opportunity to spend more time together.

With the tram at a standstill, they decide to take a short walk, exploring the quaint streets nearby. Their laughter echoes through the air, and for a moment, it feels like time has paused to give them a chance to embrace the depth of their feelings.

As the tram resumes its journey, they return hand in hand, their faces radiant with happiness. The tram becomes a witness to their growing intimacy, and I am honoured to be part of their journey. Days turn into months, and the grizzled-haired girl and the tattooed man become an inseparable pair. Their love blossoms beyond the confines of the tram, and their connection touches the hearts of everyone who witnesses it. It wasn't just the story of two passengers on a morning tram. And as the tram continues its daily journey, their love story continues to be etched in its very essence, forever intertwined with the heartwarming rhythm of the tracks. And so, I continue my routine—tickets and passes—any more tickets and passes, please? Each fare I collect serves as a reminder of the magic that can unfold when two hearts find each other on the morning tram.