Suggest a Purchase

person ringing service bell

Is our collection missing something? Let us know!

We will take your suggestion(s) for consideration but due to budgetary restraints we may not be able to purchase all requested items. EBook and eAudiobook suggestions are also considered. 

Your request will be reviewed and processed in the new financial year beginning July 2024. 

Suggest a Purchase

Please note: if you don’t have an email address linked to your library card, you will not receive progress updates on your request. We will leave a message on your card if the request is unsuccessful.


Inter-library Loans

Interlibrary loan services are available to borrowers for selected items - more info


Privacy Statement

We are collecting your personal information for the purpose of your request. This information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law.

If you wish to gain access to, or alter any personal information you have supplied within this application, please contact our libraries or email