Municipal Emergency Management Plan

Like all municipalities in Victoria, Monash Council has its own Municipal Emergency Management Plan for handling natural disasters and emergencies. This plan, coordinated through Victoria Police by a Municipal Emergency Response Coordinator, sets out the procedures to be followed when Council and community resources are required in the case of an emergency.

Monash is generally a low-risk area, but an appropriate and prompt response may be required in the event of a storm, flood, heatwave, fire, chemical spills, major transport emergency, pandemic, or due to electricity or gas service disruptions. It is important for residents to know how the Municipal Emergency Management Plan operates.

Under the plan, services can be called in to help, including ambulance and fire services, Council, other service authorities, the Department of Health and Human Services, other State and Federal government departments, and the media. These organisations have a specific role to play, depending on the nature of the emergency and the need at the time.

Municipal Emergency Management Plan

Council's Municipal Emergency Management Plan has been prepared in accordance with State legislation and the Emergency Management Manual Victoria (EMMV). The plan was reviewed and endorsed by the Municipal Emergency Planning Committee in November 2022.

The Monash Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee meets at least three times a year. Its membership includes representatives of State Government departments and organisations, local businesses, non-government organisations with a role in emergency management, and Council officers.

Monash Municipal Emergency Management Plan(PDF, 2MB)

Please note: Some appendices (without confidential details) are available for public viewing on request. Please contact Council's Customer Experience team on 9518 3555.