Former Talbot Road Quarry – 1221-1249 Centre Road, Oakleigh South

Community feedback on TPA/54381 sought by: Friday 17 March 2023

  • Application numberTPA/53477, TPA/53179 and TPA/54381
  • StatusPending

1221-1249 Centre Road, Oakleigh South 3167  View Map

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Three applications have been received for remedial works at the former Talbot Road Quarry:

  • TPA/53179 - at the December 2022 meeting, Council resolved to issue a Notice of Decision to grant a Planning Permit for the use and development of land. An appeal against Council's decision was heard at VCAT in August 2023, with VCAT upholding Council's decision. Read more below.

  • TPA/53477 - at the January 2023 meeting, Council resolved to issue a Notice of Decision to grant a Planning Permit for remediation and rehabilitation works on the eastern part of the site. An appeal against Council’s decision was lodged by objectors in early January 2023. The application was subsequently withdrawn by the permit applicant prior to the hearing, on the basis that the works as proposed will not be proceeding. On 17 October 2023, VCAT directed that no permit is granted. Read more below.

  • TPA/54381 - was open for feedback until 17 March 2023 and is being considered by Council.

Application TPA/54381

Council is seeking community feedback on a new application (TPA/54381) proposing ongoing remediation and rehabilitation works on the site of the former Talbot Road Quarry. The scope of works is within the southwest portion of the land known as Domain 4 that comprises an open quarry pit.

It is now proposed to backfill the quarry pit with the key features of the proposal as follows:

  • Removal of the water from the base of the pit
  • Removal of existing sediment in the southern part of Domain 4, drying and reuse (as appropriate)
  • Removal of slimes and uncontrolled fill from the northern parts of Domain 4, drying and reuse (as appropriate)
  • Removal of trees and patch of native vegetation within the quarry pit
  • Crushing of concrete within the pit for later use in the engineered fill
  • Reuse of stockpiles in other Domains on site for backfilling of the quarry pit
  • Importation of clean fill to the site for the balance of backfilling required for the quarry pit
  • Alteration to the existing access to Huntingdale Road to allow a double width access point.

This is a separate application to other applications TPA/53179 and TPA/53477 for remediation works on the site.

Following the community information session on Thursday 9 March 2023, the applicant, Sterling Global, has provided the slide presentation and a written response to questions raised by residents on the night.

Some additional documentation has also been provided to assist in the understanding of the scope of works.


Questions and Answers(PDF, 331KB)

Community Presentation(PDF, 4MB)

Construction Environmental Management Plan(PDF, 6MB)

Community Information Session

An online community consultation session was held on:

Date: Thursday 9 March 2023

Time: 6pm - 7.30pm

Location: Online via Zoom

How to provide feedback

Any person who may be affected by the proposal may lodge an objection or provide feedback to Council. Objections must be made in writing.

Objections should detail any concerns you have regarding the proposal, reasons for the objection, how you would be affected by the proposal and include your name, postal address and reference to TPA/54381.

Please provide feedback/objection in writing to Council by 17 March 2023.

Please quote the Application Number TPA/54381.

Application TPA/53477

Update 2023 - Council decision and VCAT hearing

At its January 2023 meeting, Council resolved to issue a Notice of Decision to grant a Planning Permit (TPA/53477) for the use and development of the land at 1221-1249 Centre Road, Oakleigh South, for the preloading of earth, removal of vegetation and alteration of access within the eastern portion of the site known as Domains 2a,3a, 3b and 5.

For more information, see the report and plans Council considered prior to making its decision. The decision is available at Council Decisions.

This is a separate application to TPA/53179 that was considered by Council at the December 2022 meeting for works within the north-west corner of the site known as Domain 1.

Council resolved to issue a Notice of Decision to grant a Planning Permit for application TPA/53179.

An appeal against Council’s decision was lodged by objectors in January 2023. It was due to be heard at VCAT in February 2024.
The application was subsequently withdrawn by the permit applicant prior to the hearing, on the basis that the works as proposed will not be proceeding. On 17 October 2023, VCAT directed that no permit is granted.

You can view VCAT's direction here: 1221-1249 Centre Road, Oakleigh South(PDF, 91KB)


Council sought community feedback on an application seeking approval for ongoing remediation and rehabilitation works on the site of the former Talbot Road Quarry.

Feedback was formally sought by Monday 21 March 2022. However, Council continued to accept submissions up until it made a decision.

The scope of works is within the eastern portion of the land known as Domains 2a, 3a 3b and 5 where previous preloading and stockpiling works were undertaken during 2017-2019. It is now proposed to extend the existing preload closer to the edges of the former quarry pit by bringing clean fill to site and creating a uniform stockpile across the entire former backfilled quarry pits.

Following the community information session on Wednesday 9 March 2022, the applicant, Sterling Global, has provided the slide presentation and a written response to questions raised by residents on the night.

Some additional documentation has also been provided to assist in the understanding of the scope of works.


Questions and responses(PDF, 228KB)

Community Presentation(PDF, 4MB)

Site Environmental Management Plan(PDF, 1MB)

Letter from Tetra Tech(PDF, 2MB)

Community Information Session

An online community consultation session was held on:

Wednesday 9 March 2022
Online via Zoom

How to provide feedback

Any person who may be affected by the proposal may lodge an objection or provide feedback to Council. Objections must be made in writing.

Objections should detail any concerns you have regarding the proposal, reasons for the objection, how you would be affected by the proposal and include your name, postal address and reference to TPA/53477.

Please provide feedback/objection in writing to Council by Monday 21 March 2022.


Application - TPA/53179

Update August 2023 - VCAT decision

An appeal against Council’s decision was lodged by objectors and was heard over four days (8, 9 ,10 and 14 August 2023.)  A decision has now been issued by the Tribunal which upholds Council’s decision and directs Council to issue a Planning Permit for the proposal, subject to some minor revisions of Council’s proposed conditions.

You can view VCAT's decision here: 1221-1249 Centre Road, Oakleigh South(PDF, 877KB)


Feedback on the application was sought by Monday 20 December 2021. Council accepted submissions on the proposal until the decision was made at the December 2022 meeting.

At its December 2022 meeting, Council resolved to issue a Notice of Decision to grant a Planning Permit (TPA/53179) for the use and development of the land at 1221-1249 Centre Road, Oakleigh South, for the preloading of earth and construction of buildings and works (temporary landfill gas venting trench) and alteration of access for works within the north-west corner of the site known as Domain 1.

There are a number of requirements to this permit - the full report is available in the December 2022 Council Agenda and Minutes

An appeal against Council’s decision was lodged by objectors in early January 2023.

The scope of works is within the north-west corner of the land, known as Zone 1 that comprises a former quarry pit which had been used as a municipal landfill. The application is for ground improvement preloading works and temporary landfill gas venting trench.

The proposal forms part of a staged approach of works identified under the Environment Audit completed in 2020 to enable future development.

The application proposes earthworks of stockpiles that involve bringing clean fill onto the site to ‘preload’ the existing fill to assist with ground consolidation and settlement.

The proposed gas venting trench is to be installed as a precautionary measure in case land fill gas migration was to occur during ground improvement. The gas venting trench is proposed to be installed prior to the stockpiling works.

Following the community information session on Monday 6 December 2021, the applicant Sterling Global, provided a written response to questions raised by residents on the night. This was for information purposes to assist in the understanding of the scope of works. 

View the response hereQuestions from Information Session(PDF, 165KB)

Community Information Session

An online community consultation session was held on:

Monday 6 December 2021
via Zoom

How to provide feedback

Any person who may be affected by the proposal may lodge an objection or provide feedback to Council. Objections must be made in writing.

Objections should detail any concerns you have regarding the proposal, reasons for the objection, how you would be affected by the proposal and include your name, postal address and reference to TPA/53179.

Please provide feedback/objection in writing to Council by Monday 20 December 2021.

Please quote the Application Number TPA/53179.